Are You Going to Heaven?

With all the big decisions we face in life, is there one that stands above them all?

I propose that one indeed trumps them all. It's the very personal decision about my eternal destiny. No one else can really make that decision for me. Will I go to Heaven when I die? The natural followup to that is....What qualifies me for Heaven?

Are there any qualifications to enter the pearly gates?

Step one is to decide if you believe in God. If you have a basic belief in God you are in good company...about 90% of people do.

Step 2... is there really a heaven and a hell? Every person must do their own research and soul searhing on the heaven and hell issue. Picture yourself standing before God. He asks you, "Welcome to heaven. Why should I let you in?"

What on earth would you say? (Or more appropriately...what in heaven would you say?)
Well God.... I think you should let me into heaven because................

To review my research on the BIG question, go to a special webpage I made that thousands of people have checked out.

Blessings today!



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