Crisis of Faith

According to the dictionary "crisis" means an unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty.
Are you in a crisis right now?

For people of faith a crisis is an opportunity for our faith to motivate our response to the crisis. God IS sovereign over the affairs of men. Faith in God keeps us steady in the midst of impossible circumstances. Faith is being absolutely convinced there is light at the end of the tunnel even when we cannot see the end of the tunnel.

Now if you're like me, every now and then, my faith runs up against a big monster called my feelings. Sometimes my feelings still are stronger than my faith. My feelings then cause a different kind of crisis..... a crisis of faith.

My faith says, "stay steady...let the Lord work it out." My feelings are screaming, "DO THIS! DO THAT!" My faith says, "BE SILENT and KNOW THAT I AM GOD." My feelings are saying, "get revenge", "make them pay".

Guess who wins?

If I had a good prayer time that morning ... my faith wins virtually everytime.

If I skipped my time with the Lord that morning... my faith is not energized as much... and my feelings may win out and make things worse.

I define a good prayer time as one in which my spirit, my feelings, and my mind, and my mouth, are all in agreement about the Lord. And I experience His presence inside of me that morning.

When I'm in that place... there are very, very, few external crises that can cause a crisis of faith in me.



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