"Just" Give It a Try

Were you aware that we all learn how to pray by basically copying others.
And that's OK because that's how we learn most behaviors anyway.
To prove this in yourself, simply reflect on the words you use in prayer. Do you use the word "just" as in: Lord, I just want to ask you....

You picked up that word "just" by hearing others use it. You subconciously want to fit in and do it like others so you added that word at some point in recent history to your own prayers. You won't find it in Jesus or Paul's or David's prayers in the Bible. (at least I don't think so, I better do a search and prove it I guess).

But that's OK. Afterall prayer is simply conversation with God and there is no right or wrong way. The important thing is that you are sharing your heart with the Creator of Heaven and Earth....what a privilege!

Anyway the point of this post is that you learn how to pray from copying others and that's OK. I want to suggest you test out the Temple Prayer for yourself. You can get all the info at www.TemplePrayer.com

I learned how to pray this prayer by copying Dr. Cho (pastor of the largest church in the world) who has prayed it for 40 years. I "just" love it. I've now prayed it for over 3 years and it has radically deepened my walk with the Lord like nothing else I have found in 25 years of pursing God.

Let me know what you think.....ok?



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