Significance in God

Part of us wants to make a difference.

Yet we wear so many hats that our best energy goes toward putting out fires instead of investing our time in activities that will truely make a difference long term.

I believe great leaders learn to do both well. And that takes discipline.

For example we rise up every morning and before too long we are thinking about all the things we have to do that day. Go to work. Deal with such and such. Get the kids out of bed, etc. etc.

Our thinking and doing and stressing soon gravitate to those "fires".

And the Lord breathes a disappointed sigh once more. For you see, He has a different plan in dealing with the day. That is why he adopted you as a son or daughter. That is why he ordained you as a priest in His house.

The day your recognize your role as a priest as your #1 activity for each day, that is the day you really begin to get God's plan for your success.

Your role as mother, father, career person, dad, cook, volunteer, money maker, whatever....
all take a back seat to your role as a priest or priestess. Minister to God first, give Him the first fruits of your day and he promises to give you the annointing, grace, compassion, creativity, energy, etc to be your best and do your best that day. (Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you). All this happens day by day, one day at at time. (Give us this day our daily bread)

God will make you significant. But it only happens when you live life according to His plan.

Has the other way really worked that well for you up to this point?

This is one of the many lessons of the Temple Prayer.



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