Did God Really Say?
An initial defining moment of humanity...
The serpent plants a new thought in Eve's mind.
"Did God really say....?"
Although Eve had never experienced a cunning liar before, she still pondered that idea, then made a choice based on the birth of her covetous heart. A covetous heart questions the real meaning of what God says, and twists it into permission to go one more step down the road of disobedience.
How do we do the same things today?
Everytime we question the Word of God. Everytime we are doubleminded about God's standards. Everytime we put on our intellectual hat and investigate looking for ways to undermine biblical authority. Everytime we say. "that doesn't apply to us today."
Questioning what God said is nothing more than a method of justifying our rebellion. Satan doesn't have to get us to choose evil directly. To render our faith powerless, all he has to do is get us to question God's Word. If we are doubleminded, James tells us that we will not get anything from the Lord. James 1:6-8
Transforming a double-minded mind bent on rebellion is a difficult thing. But not impossible....nothing is impossible with God. The way we do it is by daily immersion. Declaring God's truth over ourselves. Find verses that deal with your areas of weakness. The areas where you are most likely to say to yourself....did God really say?
Instead of indulging in questioning God, declare His Word on that topic. And do it like you mean it....with passion! Do this everyday and in no time you will find yourself thinking differently about that issue. You will find yourself actually believing God! That's what the Temple Prayer is all about. Coming to one non-negotiable conclusion.
God did say it. I believe it! His Word is truth for me today.