The Power of the Lie

Jesus Christ is truth. In him there is nothing false.Yet in our own minds, it is often very difficult to sort out truth from fiction.

There are three ways that false ideas and statements get in our heads.

There are lies from our flesh, lies from the world, and lies from the devil.
All three types of lies are enemies of God’s plan for our lives. Lies delude us, distract us, deceive us, and if accepted long enough, lies can even destroy us.

A lie from your flesh might be, “Go ahead and do more drugs, it’s no big deal.”You body is craving drugs so that appetite is driving your behavior.A lie from the world might be, “Mankind evolved from monkeys.”We reject God’s truth about how He created people, then we believe any semiplausible explanation. (just as long as God is not involved).
A lie from the devil might be, “You are a worthless person.”
The devil wants you dead so any negative thought he can get you believing will help
Him lure you away from God’s plan for your life.

If you believe a lie, you are accepting it as truth. You meditate on it, repeat it in your mind, you attach emotion to it. Then the lie has the power to drive your behavior.

The father of lies has then won a round in your life. His lies are driving your behavior. God’s truth is not. That is a victory for the devil.Wake up and stop falling for the lie. Know what God says about you and believe His truth instead. It has been said that if you repeat anything often enough, it will be accepted as truth. Let’s try that with God’s Word. That’s what the Temple Prayer is all about.


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