The Issue of Repentance
It's been awhile since I had the grace to post here. But now there is fresh air blowing across the campus at New Life Church. Unconfessed sin has been confessed. The facade of a church without scandal is no more. It is no coincidence that Pastor Ted's last sermon was on Saul and how he disobeyed God and was removed from leadership. Now Ted is an illustrated sermon.
Was it coincidence that Ted's last book was on the Tabernacle? I don't think so. Eventually every man, no matter how respected, and how "high up" in Christian circles will be shown for what he is in his heart.
Does this stop us from loving him.... no way. Ted did so much good for so many that surely there are very few like him. And he was an amazing leader and evangelist. But God Ted's legacy will be none of those. Ted is now a clear example for all of us that God insists on truth in our innermost parts. And Ted's day came for truth, as it will for each of us. Let us never forget that truth is not just being accurate in what we say. Truth is Jesus Christ. To worship Jesus Christ is to worship truth. There is nothing false in Christ. To compromise or live life with only partial truth on display, which really we all do everyday, is to worship at another altar... the altar of lies. And the God we worship there is the father of lies. Think about it. You want to boil life down to it's most simple parts. Truth and lies. Truth is truth... pure and holy...nothing false.... Jesus Christ. Add a little compromise and you no longer have pure truth.
That's why we do what we do with the Temple prayer. It is a soul searching way to cleanse your conscience and keep the weeds of sin very low in your life. Keep truth flowing... confess and repent. It's a lifestyle.
No prayer, no bible reading, no church attendence record, no sermon preaching matters if there isn't a clear conscience behind it. To the extent we ignore the confessional aspect of what Christ has provided at the laver and through confessing sin to others, we are denying the very essence of what Christ died for.... forgiveness of sins. It is the confessing, the agreeing with God, that brings the clean slate, the washing away of our sins.
Christ has provided it, our confessing applies it to our own lives. No confession demonstrates pride and no humility. God resists a proud man, He give grace to a humble man.
Practicing humility and contriteness by praying through the 10 commandments at the laver is the best excercise I've found for confronting significant pride in my own life.
Lord leave no stone unturned in my life, no door locked to you in my own heart. Amen.